Engine Rebuilding…

Why Rebuild?
If you’ve found our website via an online recommendation, I’m assuming that you’ve found us because either your smart car is guzzling oil at an unreasonable rate (officially, 1 litre per 750 miles covered is excessive and will cause valve failure) …
sadly, you’ve passed that point, and you now have a misfire because of a lack of compression, either way, your engine needs our rebuild service.
fudgesmart have established the formula for engine destruction. The issue lies deep within your little engine and is with your Piston Rings; your Oil Control Rings to be exact. The Oil Control Rings become ‘gunged up’ and stop working. They are supposed to keep the bore lubricated but also ‘scrape’ the oil back down the bore and return it to the sump.
When this doesn’t happen the oil is moved up the bore to the combustion area.
Oil burns at a much hotter temperature than petrol, and your timing is electronically retarded to account for the higher octane fuel/oil mix. As a result, you’ll find that your engine destroys then spark plugs and eventually an exhaust valve or two, too. The process of repairing one of these engines is actually very simple. When we rebuild an engine all of the parts below are replaced and we sometimes make slight alterations to sumps, blocks and intercooler scoops where deemed necessary to make your parts last longer, your bill cheaper or our job easier.
Piston Ring Sets (Genuine smart/Mahle/NE)
Exhaust Valves (Genuine smart)
Valve Stem Oil Seals (Genuine smart)
Head Gasket (Geniuine smart/Prinze)
Thermostat Gasket (Genuine smart or WHAL)
Spark Plugs (NGK)
Sump Gasket Sealant
Oil to MB Specification Standards (229.5/229.51)
Oil Filter (Genuine smart/Mahle/Bosch)
Long Life Pink Coolant
Unless you replace all of the above parts where required you will not eliminate the problem. There are people out there to whom a reconditioned engine is one with a burnt out valve replaced. To us, at fudgesmart that’s at best a cop out and a bodge! We know this goes on and have engines to prove it.
We use a professional engine remanufacturer to fully refurbish all of our cylinder heads. These are all stripped, cleaned, tested, skimmed and generally reworked where required. We do not simply lap in a replacement valve.
We are able to repair most cylinder and cylinder head damage and offer an over sized piston service for all engines, we use German 0.5mm plus sized pistons and rings made specifically for your individual engine be it a 599cc fortwo or 74kw Brabus Roadster.
Why Not Replace?
Because… the engine in your car has the service record. You can usually tell the quality of the engine and servicing regime by the general condition of the vehicle. Now that engine on eBay… where did it come from? How did it fail? They can’t really all have come from 20,000 mile, written off cars can they? Maybe, but I doubt it.
99% of the time you already have a solid base for a rebuild, as long as the bores are not scored you should be ok. If not, we have engines. I am very careful about where I source my engines from and to be honest, they usually come from one of three main dealers. Any engine we offer you will have been fully stripped and rebuilt to our usual standards as a minimum.
Fuel Wash
Please be aware of driving your car with a misfire. Whilst running you are still squirting fuel into all three cylinders! The fuel effectively washes the bore of the non-firing bore and you will cause damage to that bore, maybe complete destruction! That’s why we, and we alone, offer you a NATIONWIDE* collection and delivery service.
All our work carried out standard 3 month or 3,000 mile warranty. The vehicle must be serviced at its next scheduled interval, which is usually 12 months or 9300 miles on a 599cc Fortwo and via the mileage indicator on 698cc engine cars from the last recorded service, further conditions apply and are detailed within our terms & conditions.
We cover specific mechanical failure of a replaced part. Because of the nature of our business we can not cover collection and delivery, we have full terms of business available here
***IMPORTANT*** now that engines are getting older, higher mileage, other parts may need replacing that are not apparent when you book you car into the workshop, or, in the case of noisy engines, when you bring your car into the workshop, if once rebuilt, a noise is apparent, that noise may need to be investigated, the engine will need further work and maybe further, non standard job parts, Cam Followers, Tappets, Camshaft etc, these items and the investigative time are specifically not included in our quoted rebuild rate and would be beyond our control to identify before stripping.
All products, services and specifications are subject to alteration at anytime, we reserve this right, the only specification/terms of business applicable to your individual job are those detailed on your invoice.
Collection And/Or Delivery
* Nationwide Collection & Delivery – Limitations may apply – please call for confirmation of availability, £75 minimum fee based on £1.75/mile using google maps, 100 miles door to door collection would be £175 to collect.
Pricing Menu…
450 Both 599cc & 698cc £975
451 £ Ask Me
452 £ Ask Me